Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Devil Dances

The edit room is a cozy creative space. Clients and producers often 'open up' and it seems like I should be charging a therapy fee on top of my normal day rate. The Four Agreements states that words are magic, they can do great good or great harm. The words of a producer popped into my head yesterday as I drove home from the grocery store with the week's load of bachelor chow. He said that 'every time there is a divorce, the devil dances with joy.'

Back then, married, I thought it was an odd belief. Now, divorced for a year and a half, I strongly disagree. These words of belief could do incredible harm to those in a flock who need to leave a failed marriage. I think that living in a bad situation is so spiritually harmful that a higher power would HAVE to support ending it. I simply don't understand the 'stay together at all costs' believers. My guess is that if someone believes that 'my reward will be in heaven' then a lifetime of sucking it up is a good trade off. That just dosn't work for me.

So, once again, I'll have to disagree with conservatives. The producer that told me that God hates divorce would not be surprised, he knows that I'm a spiritual liberal. The statement that works within my spiritual framework is: 'The God of my understanding, my higher power, smiles when I take action to heal and grow.'

I thought this was a cool idea... I got it here.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Listening to: My Morning Jacket, Evil Urges.

More Sunday Morning

I got this from here. It's a awesome image blog.

Sunday Morning

The NYTimes has a cool piece on how computer passwords aren't working.

The underlying problem, however, isn’t their simplicity. It’s the log-on procedure itself, in which we land on a Web page, which may or may not be what it says it is, and type in a string of characters to authenticate our identity (or have our password manager insert the expected string on our behalf).

The solution urged by the experts is to abandon passwords — and to move to a fundamentally different model, one in which humans play little or no part in logging on.
Read more here.

I'm listening to Jakob Dylan's new disk, Seeing Things. A review I read compares the disk to Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska. It's good Sunday morning disk.

Jeeze, this is great!

I found it here.